Discovering Paris bridge by bridge ...
Posted in Paris le 15 August 2021

There’s a wealth of ways to familiarise yourself with the geography of Paris. Some wanderers choose to explore the city’s avenues and squares, others prefer hills such as the Butte Montmartre or Butte aux Cailles, but all Parisians refer to the Left Bank and the Right Bank, thus placing the Seine as a reference point in the heart of the city. Today, your Hotel Beaugrenelle Saint-Charles team invites you to zigzag back and forth across the world-famous waterway, tracing your route over its bridges ...
The astonishing variety of the bridges of Paris
Some 37 bridges span the Seine within the city limits. They mark a huge swathe of the city’s history, ranging from the oldest, the sober and elegant Pont Neuf, which dates from the late 16th century, to the astonishing lenticular structure of the Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir footbridge, dedicated to soft mobility and inaugurated in 2006. Some bridges are celebrated in poetry, such as the Pont Mirabeau, which was immortalised in verse by Apollinaire, while others are noted for their innovative designs, like the iconic Pont de Bir-Hakeim, which has two levels, one of which carries a Metro line.
Parisian bridges to discover
Why not start with the Pont de la Concorde? Joining the Assemblée Nationale and the Place de la Concorde, this arch bridge was built during the French Revolution. Some of its stones were taken from the Bastille, the prison stormed on July 14th, 1789. Further upstream, you can find the Pont Charles-de-Gaulle, a distinctly futuristic bridge with a shape suggestive of an aircraft wing. Finally, leaving the Seine for a while to head over to the Canal de l’Ourcq, check out the astonishing lift bridge on the Rue de Crimée, dating from the end of the 19th century. If you’re lucky, you might get the chance to see it in action.
Technical and architectural gems, the bridges of Paris have a thousand stories to tell. Discover them during your stay at the Hotel Beaugrenelle Saint-Charles.
Hotel Beaugrenelle Saint Charles, a 3-star hotel in the heart of Paris located near the Eiffel Tower